URIs to the origin of a thread that has since been merged should 503 to the merged comment


URIs that direct to the original thread of a thread that has been merged into another thread as a comment should redirect to the replacement ("merged") comment.


In a private thread discussing this deficiency with the moderators of another Discourse instance, the conversation was as undermentioned: [^1]

[^1]: https://forum.fairphone.com/t/merged-topics-should-503-to-their-replacement-comment/114141?u=rokejulianlockhart

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    You can always search for your posts using the advanced search function.

    Doesn’t help much when it’s already been linked to elsewhere, though. Thanks anyway.

    Why? You just need your user name and a word to search for. Works quite well.

    @yvmuell, consider how, at reddit.com/user/rokejulianlockhart/comments/1ait7c0, the URI is now 404. There is no link, when visited, to the new thread that is has been merged to.

    The user visiting wouldn’t even know what term to search for if they did bother to search, because the original title isn’t available.

    I guess you could just update the link on reddit when its important to you its visible outside the forum.

    @yvmuell, that’s the problem - frequently, the URI cannot be updated. That post is an example of that. I suppose I’ll just have to learn to use a middleman (like dub.sh) that forwards open graph tags.

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    If not, I’ll submit this at Discourse Meta.

    This is IMHO what you should do if you dislike this feature.

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