Poll feature changed and made the workflow longer


I use the Poll feature to ask our members a question in the monthly post. Those who participate receive a badge. Before the latest update, it was possible to click on the profile avatar of the user who voted and be able to view their profile so I was easily able to open all the profiles in new tabs then manually grant them the badge.

However, now I can't click on the avatar, so it requires additional steps:

  1. Export CSV
  2. Import CSV to Spreadsheet
  3. Copy each user name into the users page on Discourse
  4. Open the user's page and then grant the bage

Before it was just these two steps:

  1. Open profile and click on admin
  2. grant badge

While I understand that the poll feature and how it could be improved to work with the badges feature, but I don't understand why this new change was necessary.

I think it was also great that our community members can see who voted and not just the profile image. Anyone has a reference if there was a note about this change in the poll?

I'd be really happy to hear about this from the Discourse team if possible.

Thank you!

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