Allow regular users to mute staff (more details inside)

Some Context

Staffs are not gods from the heavens. Sometimes they can have a bad day, or just have a kind of behaviour that just don't go well with someone else.

As an admin of a community, I can see that happening and given that not all communities have paid staff to moderate, it's also unfair to ask for professionalism all the time from the moderators/admins.

Which lead to users frustration when they try to mute someone from staff and discover that they can't. I mean, it makes sense, as a post from staff members would usually be important. However, sometimes staff just want to participate in a discussion just as "another user".


  • Default behaviour is that mute works on any user
  • Staff can PM bypassing the mute
  • Staff posts will be displayed anyway if they get the Add staff color to the post

This should guarantee that a staff member can still perform its duties and be noticed by everyone, no matter a mute state, but allow users to feel in control if they decide that a user is just getting on their nerve and they want to mute it.

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