Add confirmation dialog and warning for Impersonate action

Continuing the discussion from Impersonate a user and returning to admin user:

A feature request has surfaced over in #documentation for a confirmation/info dialog to make the implications of Impersonate more clear.

I had once made the mistake of assuming it was a simpler "view site as [user]" feature, something I've seen elsewhere, but found that's not the case...

Impersonate a user and returning to admin user

It might be worth noting that impersonating a user is not transparent – it creates a logged visit for that user, and resets any notification flags that are acted on. Probably best to communicate to any real user that it’s being done.

Impersonate a user and returning to admin user

Can we at least add a confirmation dialog on the Impersonate button? Currently it starts the impersonation right away without warning the user of the caveats, especially the one it creates a logged visit.

The other buttons in its vicinity (like Delete user) do have a confirmation dialog. As a user I would expect the Impersonate button to open a dialog just like the others.

Impersonate a user and returning to admin user

...yeah, that would be a good place to warn that you’re about to become that user and leave tracks — not just poke around behind the scenes without impact.

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